Image of Nursing
Bed side manner is the most important quality a nurse can have. I wrote my college essay on bed side manner because of how strongly I believe in it. Unfortunately, the bed side manner attribute is declining now but I have made a promise to myself that no matter how many deaths, diseases, and traumatizing experiences I witness, I will always be compassionate and caring to all of my patients. I understand being kind and endearing to some patients can be difficult if they are hasty and refusing help, but I will try different approaches to make them feel comfortable. When my father was in the hospital before he passed away, the doctor came into the family room and sat down, laid back, and picked at his fingernails as he explained how my father was in critical condition. He showed almost no emotion at all and that truly impacted me. The patient as well as the patient’s family are usually scared and confused during a hospital stay and it’s our jobs as nurses to comfort and reassure them to our best ability.
2 thoughts on “Image of Nursing”
I believe this image well represents what it means to be a nurse, as highlighted bed side nurses are very important and are often some of the first people the patient will interact with. I believe the power of a simple touch on the shoulder or holding ones hand has the ability to remind the patient that we care and are sympathies for whatever situation is at hand. this also reminds the patient that we are all humans trying to better one another no matter the setting.
What struck me about this image was that the holding of hands shows a strong connection between the caregiver and patient. As someone going into the medical field this is defiantly something you want to build with patients is strong connections and the ability to feel empathy for them. My classmate talks about the declining bed side manner by nursings today, which I agree with and think needs to change. It goes along with my idea of being able to feel empathy and understanding what the patient may need. I feel as if the imagine properly represent how nursings should be treating and connecting with patients but isn’t always the case. I feel as if a lot people relate anything medical to the show “Greys Anatomy” which does accurately represent some situations but others it does not, so that shapes many peoples ideas on the medical field today.