Journal #9

Journal #9

Personally, consciousness has always been a difficult idea for me to wrap my head around. I think its an incredibly complex thing to think about and the more you think about it, the more complex it becomes. First off, what is consciousness? There is a different definition depending on if you mean it in a scientific way, emotional way, spiritual way, or a general way. All across the world consciousness is a part of cultures, religions and science. It was really interesting to me to learn about Jainism. I have never heard of this religion before, and their way of life is so different than mine and the rest of the world. They have altered everything they do to make sure it won’t affect an animal or ecosystem in any possible way. They believe animals do have consciousness while there are many others that argue that. There are multiple factors as to why people believe animals do not have consciousness. Biologically, they do not have the same brain structures as humans. This may be true but some argue that just because they do not have the same exact brain structures as us, why are our brain structures the only ones that determine consciousness. Maybe there are many different types of brain structures that have the same function as ours, just in a different shape and location. Another arguable factor is the amount of neurons we have can determine if we have consciousness or not. The honey bee only has one million neurons compared to the humans eighty-five million neurons but the honey bee still has complex behaviors that can be similar to a humans. Consciousness is not something we can see, measure, or define.
